Peer Review Process

The Editor-in-chief makes the decision with the help of some other members of the editorial board whether to accept the submitted manuscript for reviewing. There are three main criteria on which the screening is based:

1) The content must be within the scope of humanities;

2) There must not be plagiarism in the text;

3) There must not be any racial, political, religious, class, and gender prejudice or bias. 

The manuscript that has passed the screening procedure is forwarded to two reviewers, who are selected on the basis of the similarity of their discipline or area of research as that of the author. They may or may not be on the editorial board. They are given three weeks for the evaluation according to the guidelines of the journal as follow:

1. The appropriateness of the title;

2. The clarity of the purpose;

3. The organization and presentation of the content;

4. The originality of the study;

5. The appropriateness of the approach and methods;

6. The adequacy of the review of past studies;

7. The adequacy of the author’s background knowledge and understanding of the topic;

8. The results of analysis (how valid and convincing);

9. The usefulness of the findings;

10. The systematization of the citations and references.

The editor-in-chief and the issue editor, who is selected from the editorial board or invited from any institution, decide whether the submitted manuscript will be accepted or rejected and to what degree. The decision is based on the two reviewers’ recommendations about the degree of acceptance or rejection in the guideline form as follows:

1. This paper should be rejected.

2. This paper should be rewritten and resubmitted as a new manuscript.

3. This paper is acceptable on the condition that the author revises it and makes major changes suggested by the editor and reviewers.

4. This paper is acceptable on the condition that the author makes minor changes suggested by the editor and reviewers.

5. This paper is acceptable without condition.

After receiving the feedback from the journal, the author revises the manuscript according to the reviewers’ comments and sends the revised version with explanation of the revision in a correction page back to the journal in three weeks.

The issue editor considers the author’s revised version and suggests more revision if there are still weaknesses. In case the revision is satisfactory, the issue editor confirms the acceptance by passing it on to the next step.

The fully revised manuscript is forwarded to an English language editor, so as to check the grammaticality of the language and polish the style of writing.

To finalize the editorial procedures, the manuscript that has been edited for the English language and style is formatted according to the journal’s style sheets and carefully proofread.

Completely edited articles are post to the website of the journal.  In case there is a demand for hard copies, the file of the issue will be sent to a printing house for the print-on-demand copies.