Understanding the Identity of the Thai Muslim Community of Kudi Khao in Thonburi, Bangkok
Penchan Phoborisut
Assumption University, Thailand

Kudi Khao or Bang Luang Community is one of the oldest Thai-Muslim communities in Bangkok. Its history can be traced back to the time of the late Ayudhaya Dynasty. Some Thai Muslims migrated to the south of the Chao Phraya River. After the subsequent capital, Thonburi, was established, some had settled along the river near the capital where their descendants have resided until the present time. This Thai-Muslim community is located among diverse neighboring communities which today boast the motto of ?One sub-district , three religions.? Kudi Khao?s unique blend of cultural identity illustrates an integration of cultural pluralism in the diverse ethnic environment of Thailand as seen through the physical features of the religious center, Kudi Khao, an Islamic mosque built in Thai architectural style and the people?s way of life intertwining Thai influence.

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