The Impact of Communication Technology and Social Media on Intergenerational Relationships between Older Individuals and Their Adult Children in Bangkok
Marie-Helene Thomas
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Ageing, Communication Technology, Social Media, Intergenerational Relationships, Successful Ageing

Modernisation theory (Cowgill and Holmes 1972) argues that older people in modern societies are less respected and valued as a result of technological innovations. To understand the impact of communication technology and social media on Thai society, this research studies the transformations in communication, interaction and overall connectedness between older people and their adult children. In addition, it examines what elements have shifted due to the introduction and use of the smartphone and its accompanying instant messaging and social media applications such as Line and Facebook. The data demonstrates various positive and negative impacts on the intergenerational relationship between older parents and their child cohorts. Crucially, countless examples and arguments from the respondents suggest that the use of these new tools of communication has a very real and demonstrable impact, from providing a space for family members to express their emotions to being the culprit that divides the family unit.

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