Roundtables on Performance Research, Developing Cultural Ecologies, and Artistic Research Networking in the Asia-Pacific
Lowell Skar
BALAC Program, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Pornrat Damrhung
Department of Dramatic Arts, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
performance research, cultural ecology, artistic research, intercultural improvisation, Asia-Pacific

Three sessions of international and local participants from a July 2019 conference created active ecosystems which generated living examples of intercultural improvisation, performance research, cultural ecologies and artistic research in Thailand. Summarized and assessed in this article, these sessions revealed some of the first fruits of Thailand’s work in these areas through engagement with other practitioners in the region. Besides offering creative improvisation among Thai artists and artist-centered critical assessments of their work, the article captures active thinkers seeking to reimagine the “festival” format for performance research, and seeks for ways to continue future regional collaboration in artistic research. The article embodies the ecological aspects of live collective thinking in the arts.

section: Articles
section: Articles