Playing with Practice Theory: Preliminary Remarks on the Work of Performance Ecologies in 21st Century Bangkok
Lowell Skar
BALAC Program, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
practice theory, performance studies, Bangkok theatre, cultural ecologies, artistic research

This article builds a framework for considering the place of contemporary performance groups in 21st century Bangkok. It grounds performance groups in ensembles of performance practices developed by groups as part of their unique performance cultures. The varied ensembles of performance practice of three such groups – the Pichet Klunchun Dance Company, the 8X8 Theatre Group, and the B-Floor Artist Collective – are embodied in these groups’ distinctive interactive performance styles and tied to the different creative spaces where they work. The groups’ artistic practices and their working spaces are produced within larger ecologies of performance spanning the urban landscape of 21st century Bangkok. The article suggests this framework as a richer way to study performance cultures in Thailand. Relating the performance landscape of Bangkok’s contemporary theatre scene to the embodied artistic practices of different groups shows how their unique performance cultures help to enliven the city’s distinctive cultural ecology of performance.

section: Articles
section: Articles