Mindfulness and Motivation in Self-Transformation: Thich Nhat Hanh’s Teachings on the Interbeing
Hui Ling Lim
Ph.D. Visiting Professor and Editorial Board Member of the Buddhist Research Institute, MCU, Bangkok, Thailand
mind; mindfulness; meditation; motivation; psychology; Buddhism; self-transformation; interbeing; Thich Nhat Hanh

This paper aims to explore the relationship of mindfulness and motivation in self-transformation based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. It discusses mind and meditation, the application and impact of mindfulness on body and mind, the Buddhist’s roots of motivation in meditation, the dynamics of motivation in mindfulness practice and Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings on interbeing. He argues that it is not necessary to hold the original Buddhist intention with the goal to attain enlightenment when practicing mindfulness because mindfulness is not only a means but also an end in itself. My discussion will highlight this interconnectedness of mindfulness and motivation where one’s motivation can affect mindfulness and mindfulness practice can further shape one’s motivation. The continuous practice of mindfulness has the ability to develop one’s motivation to change one’s mental state and life perspective, as the transformation will occur when the mind becomes more aware and more insightful.

section: Articles
section: Articles