Eunuchs, Concubines, and the Islamic History of Southeast Asia
William Gervase Clarence-Smith
University of London, UK

In the early 17th century, male servant eunuchs were common, notably at the Persianised Acehnese court of Iskandar Muda. By the mid-eighteenth century, the castration of male slaves mysteriously disappeared. Concubinage, however, lasted much longer. While there were sporadic attempts to stamp out abuses, for example sexual relations with pre-pubescent slave girls, and possibly, clitoridectomy, a reasoned rejection of the institution of concubinage on religious grounds failed to emerge. This paper discusses the sexual treatment of slaves across Islamic Southeast Asia, a subject which sheds important light on historical specificities pertaining to both Islam and sexuality in the region, yet which continues to be treated with silence, embarrassment or even scholarly condemnation.

section: Articles
section: Articles