Call for Proposals

MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities is inviting proposals from prospective guest editors for a special collection of articles. The collection will appear in 2025 as part of volume 28 and will consist of 5-7 papers centered around a common theme. We are looking for a diverse range of proposals from researchers around the world on any topic that fits in to our aims & scope (, including but not limited to:

  • Digital disruption and its impacts in Southeast Asia
  • Soft Power and its impacts in Southeast Asia
  • Gender diversity in Southeast Asia
  • First/Second language acquisition in relation to Southeast Asia
  • Southeast Asian pop culture and the world

Your proposal should include:

  • A working title
  • A brief outline of the project, the focus of the content, and the context of the topic as well as its relevance
  • A brief statement of the proposed collection’s significance and contributions (e.g., How does the proposed collection enrich existing conversations within, or expand the horizon of, related disciplines? How does it foster the state of knowledge/ scholarship on Southeast Asia?) 
  • Preliminary content (e.g., the expected number of papers and ratio of contacted authors to papers in the open call, as well as reviews, reports, interviews, etc.)
  • A list of contacted authors who have committed to submitting a paper, including the preliminary title and a brief abstract for each paper
  • A tentative working schedule (We have allocated a moderate budget for the guest editor to organize an online seminar with potential authors.)
  • A brief CV for the proposer including selected publications and information about editorial experience

The deadline for proposal submission is January 31, 2024. Please send your proposals or inquiries to the editor-in-chief at